
Events 2023/24

TaVS Hal­lo­ween Par­ty 2023
Glo­bal Vil­la­ge 2023
TaVS Kott­hu Plausch 2023
TaVS Pon­gal 2024
TaVS AO GV Febru­ar 2024
TaVS Spiel­abend Febru­ar 2024
Acti­vi­ty Fair 2024
TaVS Deep Dive 2024

Events 2022/23

TaVS Kott­hu Plausch 2022
TaVS Hal­lo­ween Par­ty 2022
TaVS Pon­gal Event 2023
TaVS Attam — Deep Dive 2023
TaVS Wan­de­rung 2023

Events 2020/21

TaVS Online Kott­hu Class 2020
Diver­si­ty / Vielfalt
tod in der fremde
NO FIRE ZONE — art exhibition

Events 2019/20

TaVS Kott­hu Rot­ti Plausch 2019
Men­tal Health

Events 2018/19

Ladies and Gentlewomen
3. TaVS Cha­ri­ty Event
Er Darf — Sie Nicht
Car­na­tic Cafe X TaVS
TaVS Kott­hu Rot­ti Plausch 2018

Events 2017/18

Tears of Tamils
Sri Lan­ka – Gegen das Ver­ges­sen (Film und Podiumsdiskussion)
2. TaVS Cha­ri­ty Event 
Das Kas­ten­we­sen in der tami­li­schen Diaspora
TaVS Kott­hu Rot­ti Plausch 2017

Events 2016/17

TaVS @ AIESEC Glo­bal Village 
1. TaVS Cha­ri­ty Event 
TaVS Kott­hu Rot­ti Plausch 2016